Quality management

курсы обучения менеджменту, аудит смк, обучение аудиторов смк, менеджмент качества, система менеджмента качества

Quality management system (QMS) is a part of general organization’s management system, which operates with the aim of improving of produced products and rendered services.

Implementation of QMS (quality management) allows organization to create a positive image on the market, satisfy clients’ needs, increase workforce productivity and reduce manufacturing costs, improve competitiveness and business efficiency, motivate the personnel.

Beyond this implementation of ISO management system helps not only systematize normative documents of the company and exclude duplication of functions but also optimize process of making managing decisions, provide it’s quickness and efficiency, establish clear cooperation between departments and separate workers, orientate personnel on achievement of specific results and final goals of organization.

World practice showed that application of international standards ISO series is a reliable instrument for building of efficient management system on the enterprise, improving it’s competitiveness and creation of favorable  conditions for growth of investments and widening of business.

In terms of Russian Register Academy you can complete the training on such courses connected with quality management systems like: “Development and implementation of quality management system”, “Auditor/Lead auditor of quality management system”, “QMS documentation management”, “Quality management system internal auditor(ISO 9001:2015)”, “Nonconformities management” etc.

Knowledge received in the training process can become a pledge of your successful work in this area and allow not only understand requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2015 and QMS (quality management) role as instrument for goals achievement in the scope of quality, increasing of customer satisfaction and strengthening of organization’s competitiveness, but also give possibility to correctly interpret standard requirements in application to own organization, structure targets and divide responsibility in terms of QMS etc.

Practical skills received during the training allow apply them directly in own activity, help to implement new methods, carry out analysis of current condition, prepare to certification audit, support and improve QMS (QMS, quality management, audit).