Development of railway industry for Russia has a special strategic meaning, because it is aimed on solving of targets of social and economic development of the country assurance and on increasing of stability of industry enterprises activity. Timely delivery of cargos in most remote places of our big country facilitates development of regions economic and besides that railway transport is most affordable type of transport for millions of citizens.
From producers and suppliers of railway complex depends directly exploitation reliability and safety of cargo and passenger rail transportation. To assure high quality of railway sector enterprises functioning helps Business Management System which allows not only guarantee safety of production but also carry out modernization and refitting of production, reduce amount of final products defects and in the whole increase status and competitiveness of the enterprise. In the enterprise special focus shall be given to system improvement of safety provision, complex control of reliability and risks, optimization of technological and business-processes, which leads reducing of production costs and increasing of effectiveness and efficiency of activity.
In June 2017 there were officially issued new technical requirements on business management in railway industry ISO/TS 22163:2017 “Railway applications. Quality management system. Business management system requirements for rail organizations: ISO 9001:2015 and particular requirements for application in the rail sector”. Requirements supersede IRIS standard in part of technical requirements to producers of railway technique and suppliers of components for enterprises of railway sector. Now technical requirements ISO/TS 22163:2017 and certification rules on IRIS standard together are IRIS Certification rev.03 system).
Up to 14th September 2018 all organizations pretending on saving the status as certified supplier in IRIS scheme shall during any form of audit (certification, recertification, transfer audit) carry out transfer to the new standard.
We invite you to participate in seminars and courses of Russian Register Academy for getting knowledge and learning practical approaches on implementation, maintenance of railway sector organizations management system conforming to requirements ISO/TS 22163:2017. During the classes you can understand specificity of ISO/TS 22163:2017 requirements and particularities of transfer to the new version, acquire practical steps on implementation and continuous improvement of BMS and practical instruments of the work of internal auditor.
All programs are developed with application of new effective methods of interactive learning, using of role and business games, discussing of practical situations, solving of situation exercises. Such forms of training assure high motivation, reliability of knowledge and development of creative approach. During the classes you get not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills which you can effectively apply in your further activity.